Noce’s Best Butters

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Featuring our most popular picks:
1 Pistachio nut butter (200g)
1 Sesame spread (200g)
1 Matcha cashew butter (200g)
1 Almond butter (200g)
1 Handmade almond florentine snack (~70g) (only available for the gift box!)
1 Fun-sized x’mas gift card

All items freshly made to order. The most popular customisations will be used for each nut butter 🙂


DELIVERY DATES: (pls indicate in the notes upon checkout!)
Delivery: 13 Dec, 20 Dec
(pls advice if you have specific delivery dates and we will try to accommodate them)

Self collection: FOC
1) Cashew MRT: 12-15 Dec, after 7pm & 18 Dec, after 5pm.
2) Punggol, 821202: 12-15 Dec, flexible timing, 19-23 Dec, flexible timing
3) Capitol Singapore (NEW! our popup location!): 19-26 Dec, 12pm-8pm


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